Geothermal Research Infrastructure DeepStor

Bohrplatz für die Geothermieinfrastruktur für die Forschung an Lösungen zur Energiewende. Im Vordergrund eine Wiese auf dem KIT-Gelände, im Hintergrund Bäume und benachbarte Forschungsanlagen
DeepStor generates and stores geothermal heat throughout the year.

KIT’s Campus North is located in the geothermally relevant Upper Rhine Graben and, hence, possesses great potential for sustainable heat supply. Within the DeepStor project, researchers test a high-temperature aquifer storage system that is loaded in summer and unloaded in winter. The experimental setup allows for the execution of experiments to load and unload the storage system as well as for the investigation of the associated thermal, hydraulic, chemical, and mechanical processes in the thermal water cycle. Having demonstrated the feasibility, it is planned to integrate for research a high-temperature aquifer storage system in the existing heat grid of KIT’s Campus North.