Smart Energy System Simulation and Control Center (SEnSSiCC)

die SEnSSiCC-Halle bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit. Halbtransparente Fassade hell erleuchtet. Links daneben das Living Lab, rechts im Vordergrund ein Carport.A. Bramsiepe, S. Geißler; KIT
To enable energy transition, various systems have to be tested and developed and optimized. This can only be successful if you link all the components together. SEnSSiCC provides these linking options.

The Smart Energy System Simulation and Control Center can be called the brain of the Energy Lab 2.0. In its laboratories, namely SESCL, EGSAL, CMVC and PHIL, all the information from the plant network and from many partners comes together. Measurement data are stored, controlled, analyzed and visualized. Based on these results, further energy systems can be simulated. In this way, the real and virtual energy worlds are linked in this experimental field. In addition, the Security Lab is located in the SEnSSiCC building.

Research at SEnSSiCC is conducted by the Research Platform Energy as part of the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics.