Welcome to the Energy Lab 2.0

The energy transition raises many questions: How can energy be generated in an environmentally friendly way and stored efficiently? What happens when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow? And what happens if more electricity is suddenly needed? To answer these questions, the Energy Lab 2.0 researches the intelligent interaction of various options to generate, store and supply energy.

Research for the Energy Transition

By 2045, climate neutrality is to be achieved. Meanwhile – by 2030 ­– greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by at least 65% compared with 1990. 
However, wind or solar energy cannot be generated consistently everywhere. Energy is often needed far away from where it is generated, and peak loads can be expected at certain times.

This dilemma must therefore be solved because affordable and environmentally compatible energy should no longer remain a utopia.
As Europe's largest research infrastructure for renewable energy, the Energy Lab 2.0 finds answers to all these questions. Here, the intelligent networking of environmentally friendly energy generators and storage methods are investigated. In addition, energy systems of the future are simulated and tested based on real consumer data.
A plant network links electrical, thermal and chemical energy flows as well as new information and communication technologies. The research aims at improving the transport, distribution, storage and use of electricity and thus create the basis for the energy transition.

What's new? @ Energy Lab 2.0

Group of people in front of the Enrgy Smart Home Lab after convining themselves of the functionalities of the energy saving technolies. They seem very pelased.
MWK experiences ESHL

A delegation from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) visited the Energy Smart Home Lab at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on June 27. After an introduction to the research and innovative technologies of the ESHL, the delegates took a tour and were able to experience the energy management technologies in action.

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Hörsaal von oben mit Sitzreiehn und Blick auf die Projektsionsfläche. Hier wird künftig zur Energiewende gelehrt.KIT
Newly Appointed Professors in Energy Research

Prof. Dr. Paetzold and Prof. Dr. De Carne were appointed in May. They now hold the professorships for "Next Generation Photovoltaics" and "Real-time Systems in Energy Engineering" in Division III. The Energy Lab extends its congratulations.

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Foto von Aufstellbuchstaben auf einem Betonsockel, die den Schriftzug "University of Waterloo" zeigen. Im Vordergrund eine Hecke und im Hintergrund Bäume bei Abendstimmung. So erwartet die Uni unsere Wissenschaftler für die Energiewende.Univ. of Waterloo
ELab goes Waterloo & NREL

From June 17-19, a delegation from the KIT Center for Energy and Energy Lab staff will visit the University of Waterloo and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The program includes exchanges on energy system resilience, nuclear safety, cyber security, new materials for PV systems, control systems and converter technology. They will then move on to the Universities of Ontario and Toronto.


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